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发布者: 发布时间:2020-10-30 浏览次数:


张健,2016年博士毕业于西北工业大学航空宇航与科学技术专业空间生物学研究方向,攻读博士期间获得博士研究生国奖学金、西北工业大学优秀研究生、优秀学生共产党员等称号,主持并完成研究生创业种子基金1项,作为负责人获得西北工业大学 2014 年度研究生优秀团队建设项目。2016年博士毕业后,在苏州大学医学部放射医学与防护学院特种医学博士后流动站开展博士后研究,研究方向为电离辐射下的骨质流失机制及防护研究。2018年底博士后出站,入职贵州中医药大学,从事铁代谢失衡与骨骼健康问题。工作以来,获得国家自然科学基金项目2项(82060168、31600674)、博士后科学基金(2017M610352)、贵州省卫生健康委科学技术基金(gzwjkj2019-1-226)等项目资助,以第一或通讯作者在Bone、Toxicology Letters、Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology、Biological Trace Element Research等国际权威期刊杂志发表SCI论文10余篇,发表多篇骨代谢相关文章,具有丰富的骨生物学研究经验,取得了良好的科研成果。


2018.11-至今 贵州中医药大学 实验动物研究所  讲师

2016.03-2018.10 苏州大学放射医学与防护学院  博士后

2009.09-2016.03 西北工业大学 生命学院 航空宇航科学与技术  工学博士

2005.09-2009.06 河北农业大学 生命科学学院 生物技术  理学学士










5. 2017江苏省高等学校大学生创新创业训练计划项目,RhoU在X射线促进破骨细胞分化的作用机制研究,第一指导教师




1. Jian Zhang*.The osteoprotective effects of artemisinin compounds and the possible mechanisms associated with intracellular iron: a review of in vivo and in vitro studies. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology. 2020. 76: 103358 (IF 3.292)

2. Jian Zhang*, Penghai Qiao, Gang Yao, Hai Zhao, Yanjun Wu, Shuguang Wu. Ionizing radiation exacerbates the bone loss induced by iron overload in mice. Biological Trace Element Research. 2020, 196: 502-511 (IF 2.639)

3. Jian Zhang*, Wentao Hu, Chong Ding, Gang Yao, Hai Zhao, Shuguang Wu. Deferoxamine inhibits iron-uptake stimulated osteoclast differentiation by suppressing electron transport chain and MAPKs signaling. Toxicology Letters. 2019, 313: 50-59. (IF 3.569)

4. Jian Zhang#, Lijun Zheng#, Ziyang Wang, Hailong Pei, Wentao Hu, Jing Nie, Peng Shang, Bingyan Li, Tom K. Hei*, Guangming Zhou*. Lowering iron level protects against bone loss in focally irradiated and contralateral femurs through distinct mechanisms. Bone. 2019, 120: 50-60. (IF 4.147)

5. Jian Zhang, Xiaofeng Meng, Chong Ding, Peng Shang*. Effects of static magnetic fields on bone microstructure and mechanical properties in mice. Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, 2018, 37(2): 76-83. (IF 1.82)

6. Jian Zhang#, Xinyu Qiu#, Kedi Xi#, Wentao Hu, Hailong Pei, Jing Nie, Ziyang Wang, Jiahan Ding, Peng Shang, Bingyan Li, Guangming Zhou*. Therapeutic ionizing radiation induced bone loss: A review of in vivo and in vitro findings. Connective Tissue Research, 2018, 59(6): 509-522. (IF 2.795)

7. Anqing Wu#, Wentao Hu#, Jian Zhang#, Ziyang Guo, Cuihua Liu, KATSUBE Takanori, TANAKA Kaoru , Jing Nie, Bing Wang*, Guangming Zhou*, Mouse intestinal Lgr5+ stem cells are more sensitive to heavy ion irradiation than Bmi1+ stem cells. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin. 2019, 51(3): 338-340. (IF 2.502)

8. Jian Zhang, Chong Ding, Xiaofeng Meng, Peng Shang*. Nitric oxide modulates the responses of osteoclast formation to static magnetic fields. Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, 2017, 37(1): 23-34. (IF 1.835)

9. Jian Zhang, Ziyang Wang, Anqing Wu, Jing Nie, Hailong Pei, Wentao Hu, Bing Wang, Peng Shang, Bingyan Li, Guangming Zhou*. Differences in responses to X-ray exposure between osteoclast and osteoblast cells. Journal of Radiation Research. 2017, 58(6): 791-802.(IF 2.014)

10. Jiancheng Yang#,Jian Zhang#, Chong Ding, Dandan Dong, Peng Shang*, Regulation of Osteoblast Differentiation and Iron Content in MC3T3-E1 Cells by Static Magnetic Field with Different Intensities, Biological Trace Element Research, 2017, 184(1): 214-225. #Co-first authors. (IF 2.431)

11. Jian Zhang,Xiaofeng Meng, Chong Ding, Li Xie, Pengfei Yang, Peng Shang*, Regulation of osteoclast differentiation by static magnetic field, Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, 2017,36(1): 8-19. (IF 1.835)

12. Hailong Pei#,Jian Zhang#, Jing Nie#, Nan Ding, Wentao Hu, Junrui Hua, Ryoichi Hirayama, Yoshiya Furusawa, Cuihua Liu, Bingyan Li, Tom K. Hei, Guangming Zhou*,RAC2-P38 MAPK-dependent NADPH oxidase activity is associated with the resistance of quiescent cells to ionizing radiation, Cell Cycle, 2017, 16(1): 113-122. #Co-first authors. (IF 3.259)

13. Jian Zhang,Jingbao Li, Huiyun Xu, Pengfei Yang, Li Xie, Airong Qian, Yong Zhao*, Peng Shang*, Response of bone cells to microgravity: ground-based research, Microgravity Science and Technology, 2015, 27(6): 455-464. (IF 1.973)

14. Jian Zhang, Chong Ding, Li Ren, Yimin Zhou, Peng Shang*,The effects of static magnetic fields on bone, Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, 2014, 114(3): 146-152.(IF 2.703)

15. Jian Zhang, Chong Ding, Peng Shang*, Alterations of mineral elements in osteoblast during differentiation under hypo, moderate, and highstatic magnetic field, Biological Trace Element Research, 2014,162(1-3): 153-157. (IF 2.431)

16. Peng Shang*,Jian Zhang, Airong Qian, Jingbao Li, Rui Meng, Shengmeng Di, Lifang Hu, Zhongze Gu. Bone cells under microgravity. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology. 2013, 13(5): 1340006.(IF 0.815)

17. Huiyun Xu,Jian Zhang, Jiawei Wu, Ying Guan, Yuanyuan Weng, Peng Shang*. Oscillatory fluid flow elicits changes in morphology, cytoskeleton and integrin-associated molecules in MLO-Y4 cells, but not in MC3T3-E1. Biological Research. 2012, 45(2):163-169. (IF 2.482)

18. 张健, 胡文涛, 裴海龙, 聂晶, 周光明*. 高校生物学实验室管理方法探讨. 教育现代化. 2017, 4(44):361-362.

19. 张健, 续惠云, 乌佳伟, 关莹, 商澎*. 骨组织细胞Cx43形成的间隙连接及半通道研究进展. 中国细胞生物学学报. 2012, 34(7): 721~725.





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